Frustrated. That is the best way to describe what I am feeling today. I am frustrated because I fear for children. As educators, we have knowledge of abuse and neglect. Although we are mandated reporters, not investigators, we see the daily haunts of these children. We see the dirt under the fingernails. We see the tears and hear the stories of how mom and dad "cook" and have friends come over at all times of the night. We see the children that need obvious medical care, but are not provided with it.
Everyday, I do my job of being a mandated reporter, and yet, these abused and neglected children are rarely removed from their homes. We return dozens, hundreds of children to homes with abusive parents, drug users, and neglect. When will the rights of these children outweigh the rights of the parents that do not take care of them? By keeping the children in these environments, will they grow up to be responsible adults?
I am all for helping those that need help. However, when we are told that "as long as the drugs do not interfere with the children," I have to ask myself: what has become of our society? Are these children better off with those who abuse? Or can we not come up with an alternative?
Most schools are safe havens for many children. Most teachers are great role models for children. What would happen if we invested the money that is spent in the foster care system and funded orphanages. There are people that will love these kids and be the role models that are needed. Would it be hard for children to be away from mom and dad? For some, yes, but I know just as many that would thank God everyday that they can go to sleep without being beaten. As a society, we need to wake up and take action.
Staying silent, and complacent will not change the circumstances that these children grow up in. It's time to talk to community leaders. It's time to pay attention to the judges that work in Family Court. We must talk with our legislators. We can no longer sit back and let this abuse continue.................
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