Sunday, February 15, 2009

A New Adventure

It seems as though my husband is right. I am consumed with my job. Last week he asked me why I work so hard. My answer was this, "Right now I work in a good school. I want to work in a great school." Until all of my students, and yes I mean 100% of them, are successful, I will keep working like this.

Every night I come home, spend time with my family and then start working some more. This is when I hit the net, trying to learn from other colleagues, and find new ideas to bring back to school. I must admit, I do not have a creative bone in my body, but I sure do hang around some people that are creative. These great colleagues allow me to learn from them and together we make our schoool better every day.

Right now we are working on making the transition to RTI. If any of you have some great resources to help with scheduling, I would be most grateful. I frequently visit Intervention Central and Curriculum Based Measurement Warehouse. As of now, we have 17 small groups a few times a day. We are working on implementing researched based strategies, without the cost of buying a commercial program. We find most of these researched based strategies on the Florida Reading Research Center webiste. I will post these links below. I hope you find them hopeful!

Seven of the groups focus on phonemic awareness, 4 focus on reading comprehension and the rest focus on fluency. We are looking for a great way to test comprehension on a weekly basis. Any ideas? For fluency, we use Dibels. Students are tested every week and we are charting their progress. We are in week 4 and for some students, we have seen a huge improvement. For others, we hope that the progress will come soon.

Until next time, keep fighting the fight!


  1. Love your blog title! Welcome to the Blogosphere!

  2. Could a team of teachers, you "RTI" team meet before school (you could provide some breakfast)?
    We have a team of teachers that do this and they meet once a week. They look at all the students, data and come up with a plan. It is really useful for the collaboration and it unites the staff, even if they do not have the student in particular.
    Good luck on your RTI endeavor and this blog is a great idea!!
