Leadership is lonely. As I go through the day, I sometimes find myself walking alone. I have discovered that those staff members that seem to be on your side are not always on your side. You might get criticized for not addressing something and then when you do, you get criticized on how you addressed it. Those that you are friendly with, are not really your friends. When staff gets a chance, they will talk about you, and others, behind your back. What's a gal to do?
Well, as four British singers said, "I get by with a little help from my friends." Specifically, my PLN friends. No, I've never most of them. I've never been to dinner with them. I have seen some great pictures of their family, and where they live, thanks to great sites like Flickr and Twitpic. My PLN is my sounding board and my dose of reality. When I need things put into perspective, I log onto Twitter and "listen" to my colleagues. When I need motivation / inspiration, I find it with my PLN.
My PLN is like my dog, always happy to see me. There isn't any judgement. There aren't any harsh words. I have found words of encouragement and thoughts that stimulate my brain. For that, I thank my PLN. I thank them for keeping me going on those nights when I wonder if I'm cut out to be a leader.
And, I thank them for letting me know it's time to stop feeling down in the dumps and that I need to get back in the saddle again.
Hi Ho Silver, Away!
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