Friday, June 5, 2009

Add 1 Tablespoon Leadership and 1 Teaspoon Friendship

This is my 4Th attempt at writing this blog. I have erased all previous attempts due to privacy issues. This is one of those stories that when told, would be easy to figure out who I am talking about. Sometimes Google isn't a good thing.

So, I won't bore you with the story, but I will bore you with my dilemma...........I have to make a decision that will directly hurt a colleague of mine. I have to make this decision because it is what is best for the students in my school. I have to do this, but it is breaking my heart.

Leadership is lonely. Leadership is hard. I will do what is right by my students - that I have no doubt, but to do that I have to have the co hones to hurt someone in the process. There is no getting around it. It must be done.

I will do so in the most professional way that I can. I will do so with great respect. I will hurt someone I respect and admire because I know that it must be done to ensure that my students get the best experience they can get................

Do you think those that we hurt know how much we hurt too? Do you think they know it isn't easy to do what is right? Do you think they know how stressed I am to think I have to do it?

My only other question is: how long can I do this job?


  1. As you note, the details have to remain private, but I feel for you. As a principal for many years, I have had to make decisions that affected staff some of whom were not only colleagues, but also friends. The worst of these ever was having to respond to a student statement, one that in the end proved to be false, but which required an investigation of one of my very best friends who was a teacher on my staff. I actually did leave the profession the next year and took some time away from being a principal. It also took more than a year to be able to have a cordial conversation with that friend and to get back on track again.

    Most recently with budget cuts in our district layoffs are occurring. While there is no firm way to estimate the number of students for next year, staff must be laid off now, and perhaps rehired in the fall. Lousy way to have to deal with your staff, giving them layoff notices. Yes, being a principal can be very tough. I laugh at people who insist that principals have masters degrees. I can't recall being taught many of the hard things we have to do in any masters class I took.

    Take care...

  2. Wow. I'm sorry you are going through this but it sounds like you're using sound thinking and advocating for kids. That's always good.

    This was the year I really had to grow up and realize: if I am going to try to lead or do new things I WILL have to weather the politics. I hate that and I am terrible at it. I may be flawed but I am at least genuine. Oh well, I hope to live and learn how to navigate the politics but value the people, as you are trying to do. (Value doesn't always equal giving them what they want, does it?)

    I hope your colleague/friend will come to understand and forgive. Best wishes.
